WLK 6 S, 10, 15, 20 | Weima | Shredders
The WLK Series single-shaft shredders are ideal for processing almost all plastics and paper as well as hard and resistant materials. These machines can shred plastic lumps, pipes, automotive parts, blow molded materials like PET bottles, PE/PP bottles, canisters, buckets, paper products, cardboard, and light metals. Different configurations ensure optimum adaptation to every application. The shredder can also be ideally integrated into a two-stage solution.
WLK 6 S | WLK 10 | WLK 15 | WLK 20
Rotor Diameter (mm)|370 *1|370 *1|370 *1|370*1 Rotor length (mm)| 800 |1000|1500|2,000
Rotor Speed (rpm)|85 *2|85 *2|85 *2|80-125*2
Power (hp)|30-55 *3|37 *3|55-90 *3|110*3
Rotor Knives| 42 *4|52 *4|82 *4|110*4
Available knife sizes (mm)|40/60|40/60|40/60|40/60
Fraction size (mm)|80| 80|15-80|15 – 100
Infeed (mm)|800×1200|1000×1200|1500×150|1522 x 1,500 Length (mm)|2680 |2535|3290 |3,250
Width (mm)|1750 *5|2185 *5|2645 *5|3,290
Height (mm)|2080| 2100|2100|2,080
Weight (approx. kg)|2800|4100|6800|9,000
*1 dependent on flight circle
*2 dependent on specific drive configuration
*3 dependent on drive technology
*4 depending on machine configuration
*5 in standard configuration -