Q-ONE | Other | Finishing Equipment
Sku Number:3615
Serial Number:17107
Power:480V 3PH
Condition:Excellent Working Condition
Location:LITITZ, PA
Makor spray line year 2020 with infeed Makor Rolly belt conveyor w/ blow off device, Q-1 Makor sprayer, outfeed Makor Rolly belt conveyor, tunnel/hood w/green fast cure system, return conveyor system made by Arrowhead mfg., 2-Kremlin 17A/2 C/W pumps, 2-stainless steel airmix pressure regulator, 2 set of 4 Kremlin automatic airmix gun avx, exhaust system, 3 full rolls paper and some filters. This machine has not been used hard. The seller has info on run/hour details and rigging info. Seller is willing to train for 3 days at buyers location.